Rose bouquet with real preserved roses and preserved ivy. Roses and ivy leaves are fixed together with a green satin ribbon. Nice gift keeping in mind for several years.
The rose bouquet is preserved with glycerine and colour for keeping their natural and soft feature. The conservation is giving the guaranty for a lasting of at least 3 years, kept inside. With a soft scent of rose oil (can be ordered without) the small bouquet will convince you.
The flower arrangement contains:
Preserved ivy leaves
Lasting for 3 years
Satin ribbon
Size with 6 roses about 25x25 cm
Size with 3 roses about 20x25 cm
No watering needed
Not for outside
No direct sunlight
Cold hair dryer cleaning from dust
Availability:In stock
Delivery time: 3-14 Days for the UK*
* applies for deliveries within Germany, for delivery times for other countries please go to the page with shipping informations